Chiropractic Adjustments

A Chiropractic adjustment uses specific force in a precise direction that normalizes spinal function.

Dr. Sam Wagner of Rehab Lab Wisconsin offers chiropractic adjustments

A Chiropractic adjustment uses specific force in a precise direction that normalizes spinal function. The adjustment is applied to a joint that is fixated, "locked up", or not moving properly. Adjustments help return the bones to a more normal position or motion, restoring the body's natural healing.

Spinal manipulation and chiropractic care are safe, effective treatments for acute low back pain, the type of sudden injury that results from moving furniture, taking a fall, or getting tackled. Research has also shown chiropractic to help treat neck pain and headaches.

At the heart of chiropractic is an understanding that the alignment of the spine affects the nervous system, so it can alleviate a variety of conditions and disorders from head to toe.

Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments:

  • Quickly stretches joints and signals muscles and tendons, eliminating pain and resetting problematic movement patterns

  • A non-invasive, natural, and effective treatment that directly relieves musculoskeletal injuries and pain

  • Restores proper posture and reduces the likelihood of chronic pain