About Rehab Lab Wisconsin

Rehab Lab Wisconsin is owned by Dr. Sam Wagner and is a rehab and soft tissue focused chiropractic practice in the Rehab Lab network.

About Rehab Lab Wisconsin

Rehab Lab clinics and practitioners work with world-class athletes both in and out of season, as well as patients who simply want to lead a healthier, more active lifestyle. We help athletes get healthy and stay healthy, and assist in taking their skills to the next level! Regardless of the sport, Rehab Lab staff look to provide our athletes an edge over their competition.

We take this same approach with all of our patients. Everyone at the Rehab Lab is treated like world-class athletes because we believe that life is a sport and you deserve the best we have to offer. Whether you do CrossFit or Barre, Running or Golfing, or if you just want to be able to work without pain, we take our proven methods and put them to work for you. Our goal is to get you back to 100% and doing what you love faster than anywhere else in the world!

So our goal is to NOT have you in our office. Our treatments are aimed at getting you out of our office and doing what you love! We want to help you overcome all obstacles!